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Email is one of the most ubiquitous forms of digital communication, and incorporating it into your lead generation and marketing strategy can lead to many valuable business opportunities. With its low cost and wide reach, email marketing makes it easy to blast your best material directly to your leads’ phone or inbox. In fact, email marketing is 40% more effective than social media, according to McKinsey & Company. 

But as a real estate agent, do you find yourself sending out similar emails repeatedly and still find you’re not receiving any positive results? Are you struggling to develop an innovative email marketing approach and spend countless hours trying to execute it? 

In recognition of these challenges, Property Raptor has introduced a game-changing email marketing template feature to equip you with a quick and easy way to create personalized, aesthetic emails for instant send out in just a few simple clicks. 

How is this done? Read on below to learn how to create and send an email directly from Property Raptor:


1. Create your own customized email template to increase productivity 

Real estate agents can save valuable time with custom-built templates and respond faster to their prospects’ needs with customized emails that promote meaningful engagements.

Our effective email system templates allow agents to create eye-catching, reusable frameworks to deliver personalized messages for any specific purpose at any given time.

How does this work, you ask?

Property Raptor supports you in crafting HTML email templates to match your business requirements and adhere to your branding guidelines. Simply insert the HTML code into Raptor, and voila! All your agents’ emails will have access to a new standardized template featuring your brand assets.

Save time by auto-filling data in your emails

Typing the same thing every day can feel like a waste of time. Although CTR+C, CTR+V can be helpful, manual back and forth between document and email can risk human error. Luckily, our fully customizable email templates allow you to automatically fill in any piece of data logged in your Raptor database with dynamic content fields so that you can save hours of tedious work.

What is dynamic content?

Dynamic content is content that will change based on the related fields (the data structure that stores specific information) you select. For example, suppose you want to use the same email template for multiple emails that feature different properties, listings, or clients. In that case, you can insert a dynamic content field so that content in that specific field will change corresponding to the data saved in Raptor.

Another example would be adding the dynamic field code for price in the template will ensure that the price showcased will always be specific to the listing you selected for that email.

Include any piece of information from your Raptor database in your email templates and feel confident knowing you have the exact details you need to create highly reliable, engaging content!

After building your email system template, it is ready to plug and play whenever you need them.

2. Choose from Property Raptor’s pre-assembled templates

Don’t have the time to make your own templates from scratch? No problem – we’ve prepared dozens of generic pre-made templates in the system and adjust as you so desire.

3. Create your email with ease

From sending out new property listings to a particular client to blasting newsletters for a targeted group of recipients, you are now in the driver’s seat when it comes to selecting which design is the most relevant to maximize your marketing efforts.

Start creating your email with your newly created template.

Select the Listing/Property/Agent or any other field pre-determined in the template to configure the objects in your dynamic content fields – and there you have it! All the data points are auto-filled into the email template with a click of a button.

You no longer need to exit your working template to fetch the relevant content as Raptor has synced all the content for you already.

Need to make further changes? You can easily create a new custom design based on an existing one you created before or update a Raptor template and save it as your own.

4. Send your email directly from Raptor

After your email is perfect the way you like, you can send it directly from Property Raptor’s integrated email feature.

Email marketing has been around forever, and for a good reason. Batch sending emails, however, will not win you conversions or deals.

Stand out from the crowd and drive results by elevating your communications. Blast out personalized emails to multiple recipients simultaneously and cut this mundane manual task by enabling Send Multiple Emails.

You no longer need to exit your working template to fetch the relevant content as Raptor has synced all the content for you already.

By personalizing emails at scale, you can individually engage with prospects and clients to provide them with a unique customer experience that resonates with real-time information. Get personal, save time, and reap the benefits with Property Raptor’s new email marketing features.

Want to see these features in action? Contact us today for a FREE demo! We strive to help you create a seamless experience at every stage of the real estate sales cycle – for you and your client.